Popovers display brief, contextual information or supplemental content that does not otherwise fit into a certain area of the page.
A popover may contain up to two paragraphs and no more than two links.
Popovers are used on MD breakpoint and larger, however they become modals on SM and XS breakpoint to increase the likelihood that all content will fit on-screen without scrolling.
You will need to also copy the div "dds__overlay" along with the desired popover in order to tint the background on smaller breakpoints.
These are listed in order of preference (i.e. try using a Popover On Top before a Popover On Right, etc.).
When to use: Ok to use for content types that are never more than 2 paragraphs in length (or the rough equivalent of 2 paragraphs in text and images). Can include 1 or 2 links as part of content. When not to use: Do not use popovers to display more than 2 paragraphs of content or complex interactive functions.
Link option