Typography is used to create a clear page flow and develop page hierarchy.
dds__h1 - xl: 32px/40px | lg: 32px/40px | md: 30px/36px | sm: 24px/28px | xs: 24px/28px - Roboto-Light | Font-weight: 300
dds__h2 - xl: 28px/32px | lg: 28px/32px | md: 28px/32px | sm: 20px/24px | xs: 20px/24px - Roboto-Light | Font-weight: 300
dds__h3-feature - xl: 24px/28px | lg: 24px/28px | md: 24px/28px | sm: 18px/22px | xs: 18px/22px - Roboto-Light | Font-weight: 300
dds__h3 - xl: 20px/24px | lg: 20px/24px | md: 20px/24px | sm: 17px/20px | xs: 17px/20px - Roboto-Light | Font-weight: 300
dds__h4 - xl: 18px/22px | lg: 18px/22px | md: 18px/22px | sm: 16px/20px | xs: 16px/20px - Roboto-Regular | Font-weight: 400
dds__h5 - xl: 16px/20px | lg: 16px/20px | md: 16px/20px | sm: 14px/20px | xs: 14px/20px - Roboto-Regular | Font-weight: 400
dds__h6 - xl: 14px/20px | lg: 14px/20px | md: 14px/20px | sm: 12px/20px | xs: 12px/20px - Roboto-Regular | Font-weight: 400
Default text should be used for paragraph copy in most instances. Default text should be used for paragraph copy in most instances. Default text should be used for paragraph copy in most instances. Default text should be used for paragraph copy in most instances.
Small paragraph text is reserved for areas that require smaller copy. For example, pricing in product stacks, legal etc. Small should not be used for standard body text. Small paragraph text is reserved for areas that require smaller copy. For example, pricing in product stacks, legal etc. Small should not be used for standard body text.
Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text. Paragraph of bold text.
Paragraph of normal weight text. Paragraph of normal weight text. Paragraph of normal weight text. Paragraph of normal weight text. Paragraph of normal weight text. Paragraph of normal weight text. Paragraph of normal weight text. Paragraph of normal weight text.
Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text. Paragraph of lightweight text.
Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text. Paragraph of italic text.
Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text. Paragraph of centered text.
Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text. Paragraph of right-aligned text.
Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text. Paragraph of left-aligned text.
Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text. Paragraph of truncated text.
Paragraph of non-wrapping text. Paragraph of non-wrapping text. Paragraph of non-wrapping text. Paragraph of non-wrapping text. Paragraph of non-wrapping text. Paragraph of non-wrapping text. Paragraph of non-wrapping text.
Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text. Paragraph of justified text.
Paragraph of monospace text. Paragraph of monospace text. Paragraph of monospace text. Paragraph of monospace text. Paragraph of monospace text. Paragraph of monospace text. Paragraph of monospace text. Paragraph of monospace text.
Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text. Paragraph of lowercase text.
Paragraph of uppercase text. Paragraph of uppercase text. Paragraph of uppercase text. Paragraph of uppercase text. Paragraph of uppercase text. Paragraph of uppercase text. Paragraph of uppercase text. Paragraph of uppercase text.
Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text. Paragraph of title case text.
Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text. Paragraph of black text.
Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text. Paragraph of white text.
Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text. Paragraph of muted text.
Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text. Paragraph of primary text.
Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text. Paragraph of secondary text.
Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text. Paragraph of success text.
Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text. Paragraph of purchase text.
Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text. Paragraph of danger text.